Gaining Experience!

You will soon have a proper and professional resume to hand out! That is exciting! Some of you are already thinking of where you will hand them out. Since we’re on the topic of getting experience and thinking about the future, here are a few questions for you.

1. Where are some places you are thinking of handing in your resume? If you are still too young, where might be some places you would like to work in a few years?

2. Think of your personal interests and the things you are passionate about. What career do you think you really might enjoy doing when you get older?

3. One great way to get valuable experience is to volunteer or request to be mentored by someone. Where/who could you try to get relevant volunteer experience or request mentorships from that match your interests and passions?

Teenager shmeenager!

There are a lot of things going on in your minds and in your world that no one else really gets. At your age it’s common to feel like an alien sometimes because everything is so bizarre. Growing up can be pretty awesome but it can be kind of annoying sometimes too.

1. What are some of the things you are really looking forward to about going to high school?

2. What are some things that you are not looking forward to as you get older? What are some of the down sides to being more mature or more responsible?

3. What are some of your prized possessions? What are the things you value the most?

4. How do you think the things you worry about or the things that stress you out might differ from kids your age who live in Pakistan or Africa?

For the Love of Reading!

Reading can be a lot of fun, especially when you get totally wrapped in a story and can’t put the book down. Here is an opportunity for you to share your passion for reading.

1. When choosing books to read, what are some of the things you consider? What draws you to a particular book?

2. Who are some of your favorite authors? In your opinion, what makes them a good author?

3. What are some of the best books you have ever read? What made them good books?


This term we will spend a little bit of time exploring music. Although we have already done an initial brainstorm of ideas I would like you to write your personal ideas for the term. Also, I would like to hear some suggestions for songs.

1. What would you like to learn or practice for music class this term?

2. What are some of your favorite songs?

Spirit Week!

At our last student meeting we created some lists of ideas to do for Spirit Week. Here is your opportunity to make your votes before the teachers make the final decisions. Think carefully and explain your thinking with as much detail as you can to make your answers more convincing.

1. Choose a good cause that you would like to raise money for during Spirit Week and explain why you think your choice is the most worthy. Your options are: local SPCA organization, contribute to the local food bank, relief for flood victims in Canada, cancer (you may be specific if you like), relief for tsunami victims in Japan, or contribute toward building a well. You may also think of something new as well.

1. Choose your 4 top picks for themes/activities that we can do during Spirit Week. The suggestions made at the meeting were: Manga, music, Star Wars, Christmas, scary, Tron, sci-fi, and fantasy. You may also make one of your top 4 picks something different than the suggestions made at the meeting.

After having 2 weeks to eat, sleep and play as much 
as you wanted, I'd like to hear about some of your
 favorite parts.

 1. What did you have for Christmas dinner?
Include juicy details about some of the most delicious
(or not so delicious) flavors, or how many servings you had,
or how much dessert you had to make your response more

2. What are some of the best presents that you got?
Include details about whether you have always wanted one
(or maybe never heard of it before receiving it),
whether you guessed by the box or wrapping paper what it was,
and who gave it to you to add some detail to your answer.

3. What was an activity you did or an event you attended
that was really fun? Try adding some supporting details
like who you were with,how many times you've done it before,
or what was especially fun or different about this
particular event/activity.

Be sure to edit your writing for capital letters, 
punctuation, and spelling.

What’s Your Favorite?

This blog topic is all about you!

Answer each of the following questions with complete sentences.

  1. What is your favorite thing to do at recess?Why?
  2. What is your favorite subject in school? Why?
  3. What was your favorite school trip this year? Why?
  4. What is your favorite animal? Why?
  5. What is your favorite thing to have for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert?
  6. What is your favorite game to play?
  7. What is your favorite Pokemon character? Why?
  8. Create a “favorite” question for others to answer.

Who are you and who do you want to become?

When we talked about excellence, we discussed the effects that achieving excellence can have in your life. One of those ways is allowing you to go to college or university and have your dream job.

List 3 careers, jobs or hobbies that you would like to explore or excel at in your life. They can be anything from climbing mountains to gardening. For each one, tell what skills you would need for it and explain why it interests you.

Sinking Possums Riding Zebras At Night

Students at the L&L recently published their first issue of this year’s new newspaper. All of the students participated in the production of it by submitting different pieces of writing and Daysen and Taj were the helping editors.

1. What role did you have in making the first issue and were you pleased with your final work?

2. What role would you like to do for the next issue of the paper?

3. What are some things that you really liked about the newspaper?

4. What are some things that you think we could do differently to improve the paper for the next issue?

Spirit Week!

Spirit week was awesome and we had a blast of fun dressing up for our different themed costume days. Throughout the week, students brought in their pocket change and raised over $130 that they will donate to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society!

1. What was your favorite dress up day?

2. School leaders have been elected and will be working towards positive changes for the students. What is another fun activity that you would like them to try to make happen?

3. If you could raise money to donate to a different cause, what would it be and why?